Gold Medal Software 3
Gold Medal Software - Volume 3 (Gold Medal) (1994).iso
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The Brain
Version 1.2s
User's Manual
(c) Copyright, All Rights Reserved, 1994, DP Computing
DP Computing
PO Box 712
Noarlunga Center SA 5168
The Brain v1.2 - User's Manual Page 2
Table Of Contents
Introduction ............................. 3
Program Files ............................ 4
Introduction To Neural Networks .......... 5
What Are Neural Networks? ............. 5
How Do Neural Networks Learn? ......... 5
Uses of Neural Networks ............... 7
Training And Testing The Brain ........... 8
Training The Network .................. 8
Hints On Training A Network ........... 9
Testing The Network ................... 9
Input File Layout (with examples) ..... 10
Tutorial ................................. 14
General Texts On Neural Networks ......... 17
License Agreement ........................ 18
Support Policy ........................... 19
Distribution Policy ...................... 19
About This Manual ........................ 20
The Brain v1.2 - User's Manual Page 3
Get ready to explore the exciting world of artificial intelligence.
The Brain is an advanced neural network simulator that is simple
enough to be used by non-technical people, yet sophisticated enough
for serious research work. Based upon the backpropagation learning
algorithm, The Brain allows you to train the computer to learn what
you want it to learn. The Brain gives you a glimpse into the future
of computing.
With The Brain, you can create, train, and test your own neural
networks. Three sample networks have been included with this
distribution package:
- a network to recognise the numerals 1, 2, and 3.
- a network to process the logical AND function.
- a network to process the logical XOR function.
This manual will outline the features and capabilities of The Brain
as well as providing you with a brief overview of the concepts and
applications of neural networks. Several excellent books are listed
at the end of this manual for those interested in a more thorough
introduction to neural networks.
The Brain is a shareware product. That means you get to try before
you buy. If you are satisfied with The Brain and intend to continue
using it, you are required to register it. See the 'register.doc'
file for details on how and where you can register your copy of The
The Brain v1.2 - User's Manual Page 4
Program Files
The distribution package of The Brain contains the following files:
- brain12.exe The stand alone executable version of The
- brain12.doc The documentation for The Brain (this file).
- start-me.bat A batch file to start The Brain in Beginners
- char123.net A sample input file to train a network to
recognize the numerals 1, 2, and 3.
- test123.net A sample input file to test a network using
the numerals 1, 2, and 3.
- test123.wts The weights saved after a network was trained
to recognize the numerals 1, 2, and 3.
- xor.net A sample input file to train a network to
recognize the 'xor' function.
- and.net A sample input file to train a network to
recognize the 'and' function.
- vendor.doc Documentation for vendors, sysops, and others
outlining our policy on distributing this
- license.doc The license for The Brain.
- register.doc Registration details. This file explains how to
register your copy of The Brain. Includes
addresses for our worldwide registration sites.
- order.doc Order form for The Brain.
- support.doc A list of our worldwide support sites.
- nn.faq The neural network faq (frequently asked questions)
from the Internet news group 'comp.ai.neural.nets'.
The Brain v1.2 - User's Manual Page 5
Introduction to Neural Networks
What Are Neural Networks?
Expert Definition:
A neural network is a parallel distributed information
processing structure in the form of a directed graph with the
most popular type being feed forward networks.
Non-Technical Definition:
A neural network can be thought of as a pattern recognition
system. The computer learns to associate a certain pattern with
a given result. For example, once a neural network has been
taught the characteristics of the numerals 1, 2, and 3, it
should be able to recognize those same numerals even if
presented in a different font or in a different person's
How Do Neural Networks Learn?
Think of a group of interconnected units (as in figure 1). Data is
first presented to the system at the input layer in the form of
zeros and ones (representing 'off' and 'on' respectively). It then
goes through a series of hidden mathematical calculations (within
the hidden layer) before being passed to the output layer, whose job
is to provide you with some sort of sensible and understandable
| |
O O Output Layer
O O Hidden Layer
0 0 Input Layer
| |
(Figure 1)
In general, neural networks can consist of any number of input,
hidden, and output units, as well as any number of hidden layers.
However, since any problem can be solved with only one hidden layer,
and since generalization on unseen data is enhanced with the use of
only one hidden layer, The Brain restricts you to a single hidden
layer. Because of memory considerations, the unregistered version
The Brain v1.2 - User's Manual Page 6
of The Brain can contain a maximum of 30 units. The registered
version allows you to build bigger networks by taking advantage of
any extra memory you have available.
Once the information has been processed through the input layer, it
is fanned out to form the input to each unit in the hidden layer.
Units in the hidden layer perform a calculation on the input that
results in a decimal number between 0 and 1. This result then serves
as the input for the output layer which again performs a calculation
and produces an output in the range 0 to 1.
The calculations the network performs in the hidden and output
layers depend upon decimal numbers known as 'weights'. Since each
network performs a unique task, the weights appropriate for that
network are also unique.
To determine a network's unique set of weights, the network must
first be trained to learn how to recognize a specified input and
output pattern. For example, to train the network to learn the
numerals 1, 2, and 3, we must supply the network with a
representation of those numerals. We must also tell the network
what output is appropriate for each numeral. Thus, if we input the
number one we would like the network to have the 1st output node
'on' (i.e. 1) while the other two output nodes are 'off' (i.e. 0).
When the input is 2, the 2nd output node should be 'on' while the
other two are 'off', and when the input is 3, the 3rd output node
should be 'on' while the other two output nodes are 'off'.
Training a network consists of an iterative process in which the
network is given the desired inputs along with the correct outputs
for those inputs. It then seeks to alter its weights to try and
produce the correct output (within a reasonable error margin). If
it succeeds, it has learned the training set and is ready to perform
upon previously unseen data. If it fails to produce the correct
output it re-reads the input and again tries to produce the correct
output. The weights are slightly adjusted during each iteration
through the training set (known as a training cycle) until the
appropriate weights have been established. Depending upon the
complexity of the task to be learned, many thousands of training
cycles may be needed for the network to correctly identify the
training set.
Once the output is correct the weights can be used with the same
network on unseen data to examine how well it performs. For the
example of learning the numerals 1, 2, and 3, the test data could be
one of those numerals entered in a different font or in someone
else's handwriting.
The whole idea of a neural network is to train the network on an
input set and then to show the network a similar but different data
set which it hasn't seen before. Hopefully the network can
The Brain v1.2 - User's Manual Page 7
correctly recognize it. This is very important in areas such as
handwriting recognition. While humans can usually read handwriting
that they've never seen before, this 'simple' task is much more
difficult for computers.
Uses of Neural Networks
The main driving force behind neural network research is the desire
to create a machine which works similar to the manner our own brain
Neural networks have been used in a variety of different areas to
solve a wide range of problems. The types of problems solved by (or
currently being researched using) neural networks include:
- voice recognition - image recognition
- stock-market prediction - car navigation
- data compression - backgammon
- character recognition - chess
- horse racing prediction - sonar recognition
In theory, neural networks can compute any function a normal
computer can. In practice, neural networks are useful for problems
with a high error rate, that have many examples, and where no
algorithm exists to solve the problem.
Professions using neural networks include:
- Computer scientists requiring solutions to problems where
currently no algorithms exist.
- Engineers wanting to exploit the capabilities of neural
networks in their particular application areas.
- Cognitive scientists using neural networks to describe
models of thinking and conscience.
- Neuro-physiologists using neural networks to describe and
explore brain functions.
- Physicists using neural networks to model phenomena in
statistical mechanics.
- Biologists using neural networks to model various biological
The Brain v1.2 - User's Manual Page 8
Training and Testing The Brain
Training The Brain
You can start The Brain in either of two ways:
1) For beginners: Type 'start-me' (without the quotes) at
the DOS prompt. This will guide the beginner through the
included tutorial/demo (see the Tutorial for more
2) For advanced users: Type 'brain12' (without the quotes)
at the DOS prompt. This will start The Brain in normal
After starting The Brain, the first prompt will ask you to enter the
filename in which the input data is stored. The input file contains
the details about the problem, including the training examples and
the correct output for each example. See the 'Input File Layout'
section for details on creating/specifying input files.
After the input file has been correctly loaded you'll be asked
whether you want to load in a file containing a stored set of
weights. This file must have been created by a previous training
session. NOTE: An error will occur if you try to load a set of
weights saved for a different sized network.
Training of the network will then occur. Updates will be displayed
after every 100 training cycles (i.e. after 100 presentations of the
complete training set). Training is halted when the error result (a
quadratic error function is used) drops below 0.2 or after 10000
training cycles have been processed. Training can be terminated
prematurely by pressing control-c (i.e. while holding down the control
key press the 'c' key). Training times vary depending upon the
network size and the speed of the machine you are using. Large
networks can sometimes take a long time to complete the training
Once training has been completed a prompt appears asking whether you
would like to save the weights. A set of weights is needed for
testing the network. If the network was able to correctly identify
the desired input patterns, and you intend to test the network,
answer "y" to this prompt. See the section on "Testing the
Testing on unseen data can be carried out once the network has been
trained. Unseen data refers to data similar to but different from
the data used to train the network. For example, if you've trained
The Brain v1.2 - User's Manual Page 9
the network on your own handwriting, test it with someone else's
Hints on Training a Network
Experimentation is required in order to enable a network to
correctly learn a particular training set. Some networks may learn
a particular problem using only one hidden unit while others may
require 20 or 30 hidden units. The only way to find out is to try
Networks also occasionally become stuck during learning. Either
they take a very long time to learn a problem or they fail
completely; it all depends on the initially chosen values for the
weights. To overcome this problem, simply train the network again.
Since The Brain randomly chooses the initial weights for the network
(assuming you haven't loaded a set of weights), one or more
additional training sessions should find an acceptable starting set
of weights . Restarting the network should solve the problem of the
network becoming stuck.
Research has found that a network performs best on unseen data with
a network using the least number of hidden units that can
successfully learn the training set. If you would like good
generalization on unseen data, train the network using the minimum
number of hidden units that can successfully learn the training set.
If the network is still unable to learn the desired input after
training, try the following:
- add more units to the hidden layer.
- decrease/increase the size of the training set.
- increase the training times.
- alter some of the parameters used in backpropagation (NOTE:
this can only be done in the registered version).
Testing The Network
To test a network, start The Brain (by entering 'brain12' at the DOS
prompt). When you are prompted for the input filename, enter the
name of the test input file. A testing input file is almost
identical to a training input file. The main differences are that
you provide testing examples rather than training examples and you
The Brain v1.2 - User's Manual Page 10
omit the correct output results (The Brain should now be trained to
figure out the correct results on its own). See the 'Input File
Layout' section for details.
After the input file has been correctly loaded, you'll be asked if
you want to load in a previously stored set of weights. Enter 'y',
then enter the name of the file containing the weights. This file
should have been created after successfully completing a previous
training session. NOTE: An error will occur if you try to load in a
set of weights saved for a different sized network.
The inputs contained in the input file will then be fed through the
network using the weights loaded in. The output will be displayed
once all calculations are completed.
An example input file for testing (along with its associated
weights file) has been included with the distribution version
of The Brain:
test123.net Testing data for the numerals 1, 2, and 3.
test123.wts The weights saved after the network was trained to
recognize the numerals 1, 2, and 3.
If the network performs poorly during testing, you can improve its
performance in two ways:
- Add more examples into the training (for example, if you are
training the network to learn handwriting, add handwriting
samples from different/more people).
- Ensure that the network contains the minimum number of hidden
Input File Layout
The input file is a text file consisting of (in the following order):
- The unit number for each of the following units:
. the first input unit. (usually 1)
. the last input unit.
. the first hidden unit.
. the last hidden unit.
. the first output unit.
. the last output unit. (a maximum of 30 due to memory
considerations. The registered version uses any available
extra memory to allow for more units).
- The number of training/testing examples.
- Either the word 'test' or the word 'train'. If the input file
The Brain v1.2 - User's Manual Page 11
represents a training session, 'train' should be used. If the
input file represents a testing session, the word 'test'
should be used.
- The training/testing input data. This must be real
(i.e. decimal) numbers consisting of 1.0 or 0.0 values
('on' or 'off');
- The actual output wanted, which also must be real (i.e.
decimal) numbers. These are omitted if you are just testing
the network.
---XOR Input Example---
The following is an example input file for the XOR problem using a
network with 2 inputs, 2 hidden units, and 1 output unit. The
following example input data is contained in the file 'xor.net',
included with the distribution package.
The XOR (exclusive or) problem is to determine when only one of two
given inputs is 'on' (i.e. The result should be 'on', a 1, if only
one of the inputs is 'on' and produce a result of 'off', a 0, when
the two inputs are either both 'on' or both 'off').
O output unit
inputs output / \
0 0 0 O O hidden units
1 0 1 |\ /|
0 1 1 O O input units
1 1 0 | |
XOR Input File
--------------------------cut here--------------------------
0.0 0.0
1.0 0.0
0.0 1.0
1.0 1.0
--------------------------cut here--------------------------
The Brain v1.2 - User's Manual Page 12
---AND Input Example---
The following is an example input file for the AND problem using a
network with 2 inputs, 2 hidden units, and 1 output unit. The
following example input data is contained in the file 'and.net',
included in the distribution package.
The AND function is to produce an 'on' output (a 1) only if both the
inputs are 'on' otherwise produce an 'off' (a 0).
O output unit
inputs output / \
0 0 0 O O hidden units
1 0 0 |\ /|
0 1 0 O O input units
1 1 1 | |
AND Input File
--------------------------cut here--------------------------
0.0 0.0
1.0 0.0
0.0 1.0
1.0 1.0
--------------------------cut here--------------------------
---Character Recognition Input Example---
This network is designed to recognise the characters 1, 2, and 3.
- If the network has recognised a 1 the 1st output node should
be 'on' (i.e. close to 1.0) and the other output nodes 'off'
(i.e. close to 0.0).
- If the network has recognised a 2 the 2nd output node should
be 'on' (i.e. close to 1.0) and the other output nodes 'off'
(i.e. close to 0.0).
- If the networks have recognised a 3 the 3rd output node should
be 'on' (i.e. close to 1.0) and the other output nodes 'off'
(i.e. close to 0.0).
The network consists of 20 input nodes, 3 hidden nodes, and
3 output nodes. The following example input file is contained in
the file 'char123.net', included with the distribution package.
The Brain v1.2 - User's Manual Page 13
Character Recognition Input File
--------------------------cut here--------------------------
0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 1.0
--------------------------cut here--------------------------
NOTE: Both the XOR and the AND example training data (described
above) will most likely require a few training runs due to them both
getting stuck. The character recognition training file should learn the
desired output about every time.
The Brain v1.2 - User's Manual Page 14
To demonstrate a use for neural networks let us train The Brain to
learn some numerals, namely 1, 2, and 3.
1 1111 1111
1 1 1
1 1111 111
1 1 1
1 1111 1111
These numerals can be represented using 0's and 1's as:
0010 1111 1111
0010 0001 0001
0010 1111 0111
0010 1000 0001
0010 1111 1111
Note: For illustrative purposes we are using whole numbers, '0' and
'1'. Keep in mind that in the input file these numbers must be
presented as decimal values ('0.0' and '1.0').
As each of the numerals consist of 20 0's and 1's, a network is
constructed that consisted of 20 inputs. To represent a 1 the
following is presented to the network:
This is taken from the above representation on the numeral one.
Similarly for a 2:
and for a 3:
For the output layer we use 3 units. If the network has recognized
the numeral one, the first output unit's result should be one (or
close to one) and the second and third output units should be zero
or close to zero. If the network has recognized the numeral two, the
second output node should be one or close to one (i.e. 'on') and the
first and third units should be zero or close to zero (i.e. 'off').
Similarly, if the numeral three is recognized the first and second
output units should be 'off' and the third output unit 'on'.
The Brain v1.2 - User's Manual Page 15
From experimentation we've found that the minimum number of hidden
units needed to correctly learn the above numerals was three. The
input file (available in the distribution package as 'char123.net')
needed to learn the three numerals (1, 2, and 3) is:
1 First input node is # 1. -|
20 Last input node is # 20. -|-->(i.e. 20 input units).
21 First hidden unit. -|
23 Last hidden unit. -|--> (i.e. 3 hidden units).
24 First input unit. -|
26 Last input unit. -|--> (i.e. 3 output units).
3 Number of training examples.
train Indicates training the network (rather than testing).
0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 -|
0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 |
0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 |--> The input pattern for the numeral one.
0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 |
0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 -|
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 -|
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 |
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 |--> The input pattern for the numeral two.
1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 |
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 -|
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 -|
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 |
0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 |--> The input pattern for the numeral three.
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 |
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 -|
1.0 0.0 0.0 The output needed when the numeral one is presented.
0.0 1.0 0.0 The output needed when the numeral two is presented.
0.0 0.0 1.0 The output needed when the numeral three is presented.
Note: the comments on the right should not be included in the file.
Each input pattern is presented on 5 lines to aid in visualization
of each numeral; presentation of each pattern on a single line would
make no difference.
To run through the tutorial, enter 'start-me' at the DOS prompt.
Enter 'char123.net' when the input file is requested. Press 'n'
when asked if you want to load a set of saved weights. Learning of
the training set will then start (i.e. it is now learning how to
distinguish between the numerals 1, 2, and 3).
The network should take less than one thousand training cycles (i.e.
less than one thousand presentations of the 3 input patterns) to
learn the 3 patterns. If it is taking longer it has most likely
become stuck (as described in the section 'Training the Network') and
you should stop the network (by pressing 'control-c') and start the
training again by restarting the program.
The Brain v1.2 - User's Manual Page 16
After training has been completed you are given the option of saving
the weights. The output of the network is then displayed. The
output will look something similar to the following:
Training example 1
0.920013 0.012343 0.211126
Training example 2
0.000129 0.834562 0.123983
Training example 3
0.300403 0.203044 0.970030
From the output we can see that for the first example the first
output unit is close to being fully 'on' (i.e. close to 1) while
the other two output units are close to being fully 'off' (i.e.
close to 0). This indicates that the network has recognized that
the first training example is, in fact, a numeral one.
With the 2nd training example, the first and third output units are
'off' while the 2nd output unit is 'on', indicating we have
identified the numeral two.
A similar output is noted for the third training example: the first
and second output units are 'off' with the third being 'on', showing
the network correctly identifying the numeral three.
Once the network is trained, the weights can be saved and then used
to test the network on unseen data (see "Testing the Network"). For
this example we can test the network using different representations
of the numerals 1, 2, and 3 (i.e. alter their shapes by moving,
shrinking, or expanding them).
Most likely you will notice that the performance on the test data is
poor. To get around this problem try expanding the training set by
adding more examples of the numerals 1, 2, and 3, and by retraining and
retesting the network.
The Brain v1.2 - User's Manual Page 17
General Texts on Neural Networks
Hertz, J., Krogh, A., and Palmer, R. (1991). Introduction to the
Theory of Neural Computation. Addison-Wesley: Redwood City,
California. ISBN 0-201-50395-6 (hardbound) and 0-201-51560-1
Hecht-Nielsen, R. (1990). Neurocomputing. Addison Wesley.
Aleksander, I. and Morton, H. (1990). An Introduction to Neural
Computing. Chapman and Hall. (ISBN 0-412-37780-2).
Beale, R. and Jackson, T. (1990). Neural Computing, an
Introduction. Adam Hilger, IOP Publishing Ltd : Bristol. (ISBN
Dayhoff, J. E. (1990). Neural Network Architectures: An
Introduction. Van Nostrand Reinhold: New York.
McClelland, J. L. and Rumelhart, D. E. (1988). Explorations in
Parallel Distributed Processing: Computational Models of Cognition
and Perception (software manual). The MIT Press.
McCord Nelson, M. and Illingworth, W.T. (1990). A Practical Guide
to Neural Nets. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. (ISBN
Orchard, G.A. & Phillips, W.A. (1991). Neural Computation: A
Beginner's Guide. Lawrence Earlbaum Associates: London.
Wasserman, P. D. (1989). Neural Computing: Theory & Practice. Van
Nostrand Reinhold: New York. (ISBN 0-442-20743-3)
The Brain v1.2 - User's Manual Page 18
License Agreement
You may use the distribution version of The Brain for evaluation
purposes only. Once you start using this program regularly for
educational, commercial, or private use you must register this
product (see the file 'register.doc'). You may share this
distribution version with anyone you choose so long as it is
unaltered, and so long as you follow the distribution policy
outlined in the file 'vendor.doc'.
You are not permitted to share or otherwise distribute, in whole or
in part, the registered version. By registering this product you
acknowledge that this product represents a trade secret and agree to
protect it. Misuse of a registered version is subject to collection
of 100 times the registration fee and all legal fees and costs.
Licenses are not transferable and may not be modified.
It is the users responsibility to determine whether the product will
work reliably on their equipment and for their specific needs.
That is the purpose of this evaluation version. DP Computing does
not imply in any manner that this software is suitable for any given
application or purpose.
If any bugs are found please let us know and return a copy of the
product with the bugs in it and we will do our best to fix it.
If you don't agree with these conditions, delete this product from
your disks.
The Brain v1.2 - User's Manual Page 19
Support Policy
DP Computing is fully committed to providing the best possible
support for our clients. If you have any problems at all please
feel free to contact DP Computing or one of our support sites
(listed in the file 'support.doc').
We will provide support for registered users for up to 3 months
following the registration of the product. This support is for
correcting bugs in the software and manuals and does not include
advice on how to solve various problems using the neural network.
Questions and advice on "The Brain" and neural networks in
general may be answered depending upon time constraints. DP
Computing is also available for contract work on the use of neural
networks to solve specific problems. Please call for details.
Distribution Policy
All DP Computing products are protected under Australian and
International (c) copyright laws. As a shareware distributor you
have permission to distribute any of DP Computing's shareware
products as long as:
- it is kept in its present electronic form.
- it is clearly identified as shareware.
- all copyright notices remain intact.
- no file in this distribution package is modified or
- we don't request you stop.
You may archive the programs, unarchive them, use your own
installation routines, include them with other programs on a disk,
etc., so long as you follow the above rules.
If you are a shareware distributor we would appreciate a copy of
your catalog and the disk on which the program is placed. In
return, we will send you all updates to the program. BBS owners are
also urged to drop us a line so that we can keep you up to date with
future releases. Shareware distributors and bulletin board systems
may be named in our documentation as distribution sites if so
The Brain v1.2 - User's Manual Page 20
If you have any questions, complaints, or concerns please contact me:
David Perkovic
DP Computing
PO Box 712
Noarlunga Center SA 5162
Ph: +61 8 326 4364 (International)
08 326 4364 (Within Australia)
Internet: perkovic@cleese.apana.org.au
If you are a publisher interested in supporting or translating our
products please contact us for further information. Anyone
interested in providing registration and/or distribution services
outside of Australia please contact us at the above address.
Site licenses available.
About This Manual
This manual was written by David Perkovic (author of The Brain) and
laid out / edited by Eugene Mallay.
Eugene Mallay is a freelance writer and editor specializing in
handbooks and manuals. He can be contacted at:
Internet: emallay@io.org Voice: (416) 261-4241
Surface Mail: 945 Midland Ave, Suite 1003 Fax: (416) 261-7374
Scarborough, Ontario, Canada
M1K 4G5
International clients are welcomed.